Home >engine repairs 

Our auto mechanics in Campbellfield, Melbourne provide a variety of engine rebuilding and repair services, such as:

All engine types are being rebuilt and reconditioned.
Cylinder head and block repairs and restoration.
Timing belt repair and reconditioning.

As a result, our engine repair and reconditioning service in Dandenong, Melbourne, is a one-stop shop that will fully recover your investment. General engine maintenance and custom machining

Your car’s engines are incredibly hardworking parts whose main function is to turn fuel into motion. This procedure basically occurs in four steps in a modern gasoline or diesel engine, also referred to as a four-stroke engine. Therefore, engines may still need repairs occasionally even with routine maintenance and servicing.

Typical engine repairs consist of:

Because automobiles have a variety of engine control systems. Our professional mechanic crews are trained to diagnose problems related to: Our Melbourne-based auto repair technicians are trained to rebuild and replace engines of all types.

Electrical system


Fuel injection system

Ignition system

All brands and types of engines can be diagnosed, replaced, and repaired at Melbourne AD Auto Care fully furnished workshop.

A minimum 12-month, 20,000-kilometer warranty is included with all of our auto repairs.

As long as Melbourne AD Autocare maintains the vehicle and new parts are installed, the warranty is still in effect.

You can be sure that once you bring your car to us, our professionals will take care of any engine issues it may be having, such persistent dashboard warning lights or low fuel efficiency.