DPF cleaning & regeneration

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Maximise Your Diesel Engine’s Efficiency with Professional DPF Cleaning Services

To stay in top shape, the filter must be cleaned and emptied, regardless of what it is intended to capture. DPF regeneration is the process of cleaning and draining a diesel particulate filter.

Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) are meticulously cleaned by us. In Australia, DPF filters are mandated by legislation for all late-model diesel vehicles. The DPF Filter Cleaning Service preserves the DPF’s lifespan and initial output. This cutting-edge cleaning method only gets rid of oil and leftover buildup without damaging the filter, protecting the DPF’s components.

The technique by which fuel cells regenerate themselves when a car is traveling at highway speeds is known as passive regeneration. This kind of regeneration often occurs approximately 95% of the time when driving linehaul, and the driver is not required to do anything in these situations.

When duty cycles are insufficient to produce enough heat to convert all of the carbon being collected in the DPF, active regeneration is necessary. In these situations, a small amount of diesel will be injected into the exhaust stream by the Engine Control Module to start an Active Regeneration. Because of the extra heat, excess carbon will oxidize without the driver’s help, which will occur more frequently in cars with low load, low speed, or stop-and-go duty cycles.

DPF Cleaning Process

Removal of DPF from vehicle.

Test back pressure before beginning the cleaning process.

Innovative computerised DPF software check.

We conduct a physical inspection.

Intensive strip and clean.

Refinement of DPF & reprogramming.

Test back pressure once the cleaning cycle is complete.

The technical staff at Melbourne AD Autocare is pleased to offer additional support..